You Are Really Rich: You Just Don’t Know It Yet | 如何做好生意 - 2024年5月

You Are Really Rich: You Just Don’t Know It Yet

作者:Steve Henry

  最近一週內,你擁有以下幾件事? (可複選)
  1. 有人跟我說「我愛你」 (NT$ 825萬)  2. 看了一場電影 (NT$ 108萬)  3. 幫助過一個人 (NT$ 285萬)  4. 開懷大笑 (NT$ 540萬)  5. 學到新事物 (NT$ 301萬)
  如果以上你都有,恭喜你,你的財富立刻增加了NT$ 2,059萬!
  作者史提夫.亨利與「追根究柢」工作室(WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn□)創辦人大衛.艾伯茨、查理斯.嘉蘭及馬斯.博斐,在2009年發起了「真的富有」計畫( The Really Rich Project),提醒世人體認身邊美好事物的價值。
  1.身體健康(NT$903萬)  2.聽見「我愛你」(NT$825萬)  3.擁有穩定的感情關係(NT$774萬)
  作者指出,從這個計畫學到的五件事:1.樂觀的人會有樂觀的生活 2.把有價值的事情標上價格,讓人們更珍惜它 3.去享受它你就擁有它了,就這麼簡單 4.愈花錢的事,竟然價值愈低 5.快樂沒有你想像的那麼遙遠。
  The credit crunch is one of those once in a generation moments when everyone stops to think about what things are really worth. Because after years of rampant greed and unsustainable demand, Oscar Wilde's description of a cynic was starting to apply to all of us - people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
  But what if there is more to life than needing to spend GBP100 on a new iPod because Apple brought out one that was purple? What if money isn't the best way to put a value on things?
  This book suggests that there may be more important things than a new pair of Manolo Blahniks. Things like your family, or your favorite music, or a walk in the park on a sunny day. Or sex. Or telling someone you love them. This book is about helping us to realize that whatever our financial situation, our lives are incredibly wealthy already. You are really rich. You just don't know it yet.
史提夫.亨利Steve Henry
  曾經擔任廣告公司主管,並且是暢銷書《用五英鎊改變世界》(Change the World for a Fiver)的作者之一,該書在全球創下百萬銷售量。他與「追根究柢」工作室(WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn?)創辦人大衛.艾伯茨、查理斯.嘉蘭及馬斯.博斐,發起了「真的富有」計畫( The Really Rich Project),提醒世人體認身邊美好事物的價值,珍惜所擁有的幸福,這本書便是該計畫的紀錄。「追根究柢」工作室的使命,是希望激勵整個世界朝著更積極正面的方向發展。該工作室經常與企業或組織團體,共同發展許多新生活運動,或者公益行動。
  Steve Henry is the author of the bestselling Change the World for a Fiver, which has sold over a million copies worldwide. WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn? Whether creating short film competitions, contemporary art prizes, animation series, documentaries, photography books, or on-line platforms, What On Earth Is Going On?'s mission is simply to enthuse the world to participate in positive change. Founder David Alberts collaborated with Charles Garland, Matt Boffey and Steve Henry to create The Really Rich Project.
