Economic Value Management: Applications and Techniques | 如何做好生意 - 2024年7月

Economic Value Management: Applications and Techniques

作者:Bloxham, Eleanor

An action-driven approach to assessing, creating, and protectingvalue "The timing for publication of Eleanor Bloxham's Economic ValueManagement is providential. We are assailed by the reality that theboard of directors of leading companies have approved, no, havedirected, accounting practices that inflate the reported earningsbut that lack economic substance. Audit firms in search of personalwealth have been selling 'earnings' from their consulting divisionto their full client list. This volume is uniquely couched torestore integrity to the financial understanding of corporatefunctioning. If you want-and you should-to start getting Americanbusiness back on the right track, you should read thisbook."-Robert A. G. Monks, Publisher of and severalbooks about corporate governance "Educated investors are essential to successfully functioningcapital markets. At this critical time in our financial history, restoring the confidence in our financial system lost over the pastyear will depend upon financial advisors and investors trulyunderstanding the companies they invest in. As Economic ValueManagement shows, being educated means more than understanding theunique language of the stock market, it is more than reading aprospectus or an annual report, it is more than listening to ananalyst's opinions. Being educated requires a genuine understandingof the value of a company."- Mary L. Schapiro, Vice Chairman, President, Regulatory Policy and Oversight, NASD (NationalAssociation of Securities Dealers) "Economic Value Management would have limited much of the economicturmoil we have experienced in the last eighteen months. It is theway a company should be managed."- John McCoy, Chairman of BattelleMemorial Institute, retired Chairman and CEO of Bank OneCorporation "Nothing could be more appropriate and needed at this time inhistory than understanding how decisions affect corporate economicvalue. Eleanor Bloxham's exploration of this issue is clear, easyto follow, and thorough in its breadth. Had corporate officers usedeconomic value management techniques throughout their organizationsand investors focused on such issues, there would have been muchgreater rationality in the stock market with much less eventualbloodletting. Indeed, in the aftermath of recent disclosures, thefocus on Economic Value Management metrics should increasesubstantially, and this book provides a solid foundation forunderstanding such an approach."-Joseph A. Alutto, Dean and John W.Berry Sr., Chair in Business, Fisher College of Business, The OhioState University

ELEANOR BLOXHAM is President of The Value Alliance ( and former KPMG national director and practice leader. She has been a pioneer in introducing Economic Value Management to CEOs, boards, and executive management teams, working with them to establish management and financial practices and incentive structures that support good corporate governance and value creation. Ms. Bloxham is the author of Value-Led Organizations, also published by Wiley, and has spoken at Stanford University, The Ohio State University, banking schools, conferences, and seminars across the globe on the topic of Economic Value Management.
