La mesilla de noche / The bedside table | 如何做好生意 - 2024年7月

La mesilla de noche / The bedside table

作者:Ribeiro, Edgard Telles/ Cardenas Ceron, Juan Sebastian (TRN)/ Castro, Luisa (CON)

In an antique shop in Brasilia, Fernando runs into an old friend, Andrea, who will tell him the passionate tale of her great aunt Guilhermina. This mysterious character s life, which alternated between the 19th century elegance of a coffee plantation and the cosmopolitan luxury of Paris, begins to take shape through Andrea s memories as well as through the letters, photographs, and documents Guilhermina left her. Fernando s interest initially oscillates between the two women, but when he learns that Guilhermina had killed her husband50 years older than her and who she was forced to marry when she was 14 years oldhis curiosity turns into obsession."""En un anticuario de Brasilia, Fernando se reencuentra con una antigua amiga, Andrea, quien le revelara la apasionante historia de su tia abuela Guilhermina. La vida de este misterioso personaje, que se habia movido entre la elegancia decimononica de una plantacion de cafe y el lujo cosmopolita de Paris, va tomando forma a partir de los recuerdos de Andrea y de las cartas, fotos y documentos que Guilhermina le lego. El interes de Fernando oscila inicialmente entre las dos mujeres, pero cuando descubre que Guilhermina habia matado a su maridocincuenta anos mayor que ella y con el que habia sido obligada a casarse cuando apenas tenia catorce anossu curiosidad se convierte en obsesion. ""

Edgard Telles Ribeiro is a Brazilian author, short film director, journalist, and former diplomat. His novels include"Branco como o arco-iris," "O manuscrito "and"Olho de rei." "
