商務談判說英語範例大全 | 如何做好生意 - 2024年7月



面真實地再現國際商務情景,展現最典型的談判語言,總結最重要的談判技巧。   Part 1 談判的5個關鍵步驟   Part 2 談判的4個重要技巧   Part 3 談判中的常見錯誤及防範策略   Part 4 建立信任關系   Part 5 貿易談判   Part 6 成交   Part 7 合資談判   Part 8 房地產談判   Part 9 股市談判   Part 10 專利、薪資等談判   MP3錄音光盤包括所有情景對話的美音朗讀。   Amanda Crandell Ju,王牌暢銷書《商務英語情景口語100主題》作者,在國際商務領域擁有相當豐富的從業經驗,在跨文化交流中表現尤其突出;曾供職于廣播電台、紙質新聞媒體、美國國會山聯邦政府;近期專攻市場營銷與品牌合並;本科畢業于楊伯翰大學,主修國際文化專業。

Part 1 Five Key Steps in Principled Negotiation 談判的五個關鍵步驟 1 Separate the people from the problem 將人和事區分開來 2 Focus on the interests behind the positions 關注立場背後的利益 3 Invent options for mutual gain 創造雙贏的選擇 4 Use independent standards 使用獨立的標準 5 Consider best alternative if negotiation doesn’t reach agreement 無望達成協議時考慮最佳備選方案 Part 2 Four Negotiation Skills to Master 談判的四個重要技巧 6 Don’t negotiate against yourself 別為難自己 7 Offering a choice 給對方提供選擇 8 Never prove the other person wrong 不要試圖證明別人的錯誤 9 Don’t give a concession away without receiving one in return沒有回饋就不要做出讓步 10 Establishing limits before you start your negotiation談判開始前設好限制條件 Part 3 Most Common Mistakes in Negotiation — How to Avoid Them談判中的常見錯誤及防範策略 11 Beginning your negotiation too soon 過早開始談判 12 Not negotiating with the right person 沒有找對談判對象 13 Not being flexible on a position — locking on 固執己見,不會變通 14 Feeling helpless or powerless 感到無助或無能為力 15 Worrying about losing control of the negotiation 擔心喪失主動權 16 Forgetting your goals or losing track of getting to them 遺忘目標或偏離方向 17 Too much worrying about the other party’s feelings or goals 過多考慮對方的感受和目的 18 Mind going blank — brain freeze 大腦一片空白 19 Falling for physical manipulations 受物質因素干擾 20 Losing sight of closing the deal 忽略了收尾 Part 4 Building Relationships of Trust 建立信任關系 21 Meeting and Receiving 會面和迎接 22 Introductions 相互介紹 23 Attending conventions參加會議 24 Small talk — breaking the ice 通過聊天打破陌生 25 Finding out more — how to let the other party know you’re interested 了解更深讓對方知道你感興趣 Part 5 Trade Negotiation 貿易談判 26 Starting inquiry negotiation 開始詢盤 27 Agreement on price 價格協議 28 Discussing transportation issues and shipping options 討論運輸和貨運 29 Discussing payment options 討論支付選擇 30 Checking on shipment status 核實貨運狀態 Part 6 Sealing the Deal 成交 31 Making concessions 作出讓步 32 Discussing the bottom line 討論底線 33 Accepting and confirming the terms 確認並接受條件 34 Closing the deal 成交 35 Quality control issues 質量監控事宜 Part 7 Joint Venture 合資 36 Finding a partner 尋找合伙人 37 Showing interest 表示有興趣 38 Discussing terms 談條件 39 Establishing a foreign office 設立駐外辦事處 Part 8 Real Estate 房地產 40 Getting started 初步洽談 41 Property evaluation and selection 房產評估和篩選 42 Making an offer 出價 43 Closing the deal 成交 Part 9 Stock Market 股市 44 Buying / selling stocks 買賣股票 45 Short selling賣空 46 International markets 國際市場 Part 10 Other Negotiation Topics 其他談判 47 Technology transfer 技術轉讓談判 48 Copyright and patents 版權和專利談判 49 Employment negotiation 雇用談判 50 Negotiating salary and benefits 工資和福利談判
