香港之夜 | 如何做好生意 - 2024年10月



  This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.




  These ten poets have published their poetry collections in Hong Kong and abroad.

陳滅 Chan Chi Tak
香港韶光   9
Lights of Hong Kong
落葉顛簸   16
Leaves Swaying down
樊善標 Fan Sin Piu
春   22
草芥   24
Worthless grass
四月備忘   26
April memo
鄭政恆 Cheng Ching Hang
證物   33
驪歌   37
a song of farewell
冬天的故事   39
a winter story
吳美筠 Ng Mei Kwan
李節街   42
Li Chit Street
劉偉成 Law Wai Shing
中藥店的鹿茸頭蓋   50
The Deer Skull in the Chinese Drugstone
雨後黃昏   55
Dusk After Rain
一首救了魚的詩   59
A Fish-Saving Poem
廖偉棠 Liu Wai Tong
不能之詩   64
A Poem of Cannot
南宋詩人在坪洲   68
A Poet from the Southern Song in Peng Chau
太子道麥當勞的聖家族   72
The Holy Family of the Prince Edware Rd. McDonald’s
清明變   75
Tomb-Sweeping Transformations
宋子江 Chris Song
石榴   79
A Prayer
周漢輝 Chow Hon Fai
無傷   86
No Scar
人河   89
Flow of People
阮文略 Jacky Yuen
讓我做一個疲累的人   97
Let Me Be Exhausted
一顆子彈   101
A Bullet
方太初 Zeit Fong
廣場   107
瑪麗   115

陳滅 Chan Chi Tak 香港韶光(節錄) 1路燈初燃,我們不曉得它熄滅的時候車燈復往照見旅者的倦意,且漸次融入萬家泛黃或慘白參差的燈火我們憑甚麼感官感應香港香港也以同樣的燈光感應我們我們無法感應的也許説不出的多 華燈亮起,因為感覺到人們熄滅關閉語言,倦看海鏡浮沉的香港歷史泛黃如瀕臨拆遷的家轉眼改建像甚麼原是那幻彩詠香江!我們瞠目結舌,又不受控地自發參加為向旅客綻放只一瓣成分有毒的煙花 璀璨加璀璨,市民如夜蟲集結燈下飛向堅固而灼熱的烏托邦數字上升再偏軟,失落的目光仍舊流向強迫性發動的幻彩詠香江最後一班渡輪如霓虹下的魔術 變出鴿子、土地與兔女郎只有水手看穿萬千重疊的樓宇倚望底層暗燈殘照的海港 Lights of Hong Kong (extract) 1streetlights iust lit, we don’t know when they’ll go offcar lights coming and going on travelers’ weariness,gradually mergingwith the uneven yellow or pale glow of a million homeswhatever sense with which we sense Hong Kongis the light with which Hong Kong senses uswhat we cannot sense may be great beyond words the lights turned on, because they felt people snuffing outtheir language, looking wearily at Hong Kong floatingon the mirror of the seahistory yellow like a home about to be demolishedthen reconstructed in a blink into a Symphony ofLights!tongues tied and eyes wide, we involuntarily ioina firework flower production for tourists with onepoisonous petal dazzle on dazzle, people gather like night bugs beneathlightsto fly to solid and burning utopiasnumbers rise then soften, downcast eyes yetdrift toward this imposed Symphonythe last ferry is like magic under neon lightsconjuring doves, land, and rabbit maidensonly seamen see through the layered highrisesto the habour dim beneath broken lights
