【問題】life insurance中文?推薦回答

作者:Hulsmann, Jorg Guido

LARGE PRINT EDITION More at LargePrintLiberty.com. There is a reason that this book has been translated to Chinese, German, Spanish, Czech, and there are many more on the way. This book hits the ...

作者:Hoof, David

Biology professor Max Hurd's life is unraveling. Separated from his wife, pressured to perjure by his boss, and suspected by a psychotic cop of murder when that boss disappears already adds to his ...


  作者藉由敘述其求學、當兵、工作及移民美國之後的經歷,批判檢討中國社會與文化上的缺失,並比較中美之間的差異所在。而若是想在美國立足,就必須入境隨俗,虛心謙卑,如此才能作個「實質」的美國人。 作者簡介 王定和 經歷 Shen Lincoln Mercury舊金山營業主任 New York Life紐約人壽保險公司 SMA Life全美國家人壽保險公司 Lancaster地產投資公司 MVP...

作者:Williams, Gregory S.

In the insurance investigation business, it's not often that I deal with weighty issues from the criminal justice system. Most of my time is spent conducting lightweight investigations, hoping to f...

作者:Gan, Li/ Yin, Zhichao/ Jia, Nan/ Xu, Shu

Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has been experiencing a dramatically rapid economic development. What is the real life of Chinese people like under China's steady GDP fast growth? Ho...

作者:Bynum, William

Against the backdrop of unprecedented concern for the future of health care, this Very Short Introduction surveys the history of medicine from classical times, through the scholastic medieval tradi...

作者:Xin, RU (EDT)/ Xueyi, Lu (EDT)/ Peilin, Li (EDT)/ Guangjin, Chen (EDT)/ Wei, Li (EDT)

The 2008 volume of The China Society Yearbook, the third volume in the annual China Society Blue Book series to be translated into English, contains important statistics and analysis from Chinese s...


  這本書告訴讀者:若要在美國生活,就應該瞭解在人治與專制政體下養成的那些是非不分、唯我獨尊等的壞毛病,一旦在美國這樣民主與法治的社會中有意無意,習慣成自然地顯露出來,一定會招致美國人的討厭。一個人在美國生活得快樂與否,與學歷與財富皆無關,重點在於能否了解美國人待人接物的方式。因此知道自己的病因,進而改正自己的言行不招美國人討厭,正是這本書的目的。 作者簡介 王定和 經歷 Shen Lin...

作者:Miller, Arthur/ Conceison, Claire (INT)/ Morath, Inge (PHT)

In 1983 Arthur Miller was invited to direct Death of a Salesman at the Beijing People's Theatre, with Chinese actors. This was an entirely new experience for Miller and for the Chinese company, mos...

作者:Jing, Zhen, Ph.D.

Chinese Insurance Contracts: Law and Practice is the first systematic text written in English on the law of insurance in China. This book offers a critical analysis of the major principles, doctrin...

作者:Shun-ching Chan, Cheris

How do companies sell life insurance in a country where death is a taboo subject? In Marketing Death, Cheris S.C. Chan explores both how and why the life insurance industry has managed to emerge in...

作者:Miller, Arthur/ Conceison, Claire (INT)/ Morath, Inge (PHT)

In 1983 Arthur Miller was invited to direct Death of a Salesman at the Beijing People's Theatre, with Chinese actors. This was an entirely new experience for Miller and for the Chinese company, mos...

