新編保險英語 | 如何做好生意 - 2024年10月




Chapter 1 Risk and Insurance ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (1)
Section 1 The concept of risk ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (3)
Section 2 The concept of insurance ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (6)
Section 3 The classification of insurance ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (9)
Chapter 2 The Basic Principle of Insurance (Ⅰ) - Insurable Interest(‧‧ 23)
Section 1 The definition of insurable interest ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (25)
Section 2 The application of insurable interest ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (26)
Section 3 When insurable interest must exist ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (28)
Section 4 Common features of insurable interest ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (29)
Chapter 3 The Basic Principle of Insurance (Ⅱ) - Utmost Good Faith‧‧ (39)
Section 1 Definition of Utmost Good Faith ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (41)
Section 2 Duration of the duty of disclosure ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (43)
Section 3 Representations and warranties ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (44)
Section 4 Breach of the principle of Utmost Good Faith ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (45)
Section 5 Remedies for breach of Utmost Good Faith ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (47)
Chapter 4 The Basic Principle of Insurance (Ⅲ) - Proximate Cause(‧‧‧ 57)
Section 1 Definition of proximate cause ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (59)
Section 2 Analysis of proximate cause ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (60)
Section 3 Modification of proximate cause ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (62)
Chapter 5 The Basic Principle of Insurance (Ⅳ) - Indemnity ‧‧ (71)
Section 1 Definition of indemnity ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (73)
Section 2 Concept of subrogation ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (77)
Section 3 Concept of contribution ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (79)
Chapter 6 Insurance Contract ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (89)
Section 1 Definition of general contract ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (91)
Section 2 Definition of insurance contract ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (93)
Section 3 The contents of insurance contract ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (95)
Section 4 The conclusion of insurance contract ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (96)
Chapter 7 Insurance Market ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (107)
Section 1 Concept of London insurance market ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (109)
Section 2 London insurance companies ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (110)
Section 3 London insurance organizations ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (112)
Section 4 Lloyds Market ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (115)
Section 5 Insurance intermediaries ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (117)
Chapter 8 Structure of Insurance Company ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (131)
Section 1 Structure of insurance company in China ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (133)
Section 2 Forms of insurance company in foreign countries ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (137)
Section 3 Insurance companies as financial institutions ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (138)
Section 4 Types of insurance company organizations ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (140)
Appendix Ⅰ OCEAN MARINE CARGO CLAUSES (1 / 1 / 1981)‧‧ (151)
Appendix Ⅱ Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China in 2009(Amended) ‧‧‧ (155)
Reference Books ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ (192)


  本教材在編寫過程中,參考了2005 年由西南財經大學出版社出版的«保險英語»、2007 年由西南財經大學出版社出版的General Insurance。還特別參考了英國特許保險學會針對海外保險公司學員編寫的CII 資格考試學習教材Risk and Insurance 510、ContractLaw and Insurance 520 以及本人在英國學習期間收集的保險資料。在此基礎上對篇幅進行了壓縮,修改了書中的一些錯誤,更新了最新數據,包括2009 年修訂的«中華人民共和國保險法»、中國保險市場主體最新數據以及英國保險市場主體最新數據。全書共8 章,內容更加精煉,層次更加分明,結構更加合理。

  值得一提的是,經過10 多年的保險教學,本人對保險理論和實務的理解得到了巨大的提升。因此,無論是課后的專業術語翻譯還是句子難點的翻譯,都比以前翻譯得更加準確、更加到位。本書最大的亮點是每章配備了幾幅與課文內容相結合的簡筆畫,由廣東金融學院保險系畢業生鮑汀元和勞動經濟與人力資源管理系畢業生杜斯帆同學根據本人提出的構思共同創作而成,增加了內容的趣味性和幽默感。

  本教材共8 章,內容包括風險與保險、保險與保險的職能、保險的四大原則、英國保險市場、保險公司的組織形式。為了讓學生更容易理解,每章課后編排了專業術語翻譯、難句翻譯、課后練習等內容。學生通過對本課程的學習,能提高閱讀金融與保險英文原著的能力,為未來的學習與工作打下堅實的基礎。



