
作者:Sway, Julie

The new Must Know series is like a lightning bolt to the brainEvery school subject has must know ideas, or essential concepts, that lie behind it. This book will use that fact to help you learn in ...



作者:Agarwal, Pragya

Uncovers the science behind our "unintentional" biases using real world stories underpinned by scientific theories and research. Experiments have shown that our brains categorize people by race in ...


  國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心為建立工藝產品品質的國家認證機制,自2003年開始舉辦的「臺灣優良工藝品」(Taiwan Good Craft,簡稱C-Mark)評鑑制度,遴選臺灣設計、製造,具有創新及產業潛力的工藝作品—良品美器。現今C-Mark已成為工藝產業頂級品牌的保證。本書為通過2014年臺灣優良工藝品評鑑入選的28組件產品介紹,其從參加評鑑的產品中脫穎而出,其品質、機能、美感、創意等都...

作者:Ugalde, Gerry

Gerry Ugalde is a lifelong lover of physical activity and the outdoors. As a mother, wife and teacher, she uses the healing powers of fresh air and movement to help the people in her circle balance...

作者:Morales, Edgardo Perez

Following the 1808 French invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, an unprecedented political crisis threw the Spanish Monarchy into turmoil. On the Caribbean coast of modern-day Colombia, the important ...

作者:Strangewayes, Viktor H.

作者:Ray, Lola


  故鄉的她,異鄉的他,曾經的緣份,曾經的傷痛,期待彼此擁抱到未來。 作者簡介     黃萱萱   臺灣桃園人,有著看似不近情理的外貌卻賦予細膩的心靈。求學時,就讀的是機械,手寫的卻是文學。這個人,沒有顯赫的家世,沒有優秀的學歷,「一沙一世界,一花一天堂」,所見,所聞,所寫,全是人生四十年所感。有人說她怪,有人說她二,有人說她瘋癲,卻也有人為她落淚。這是一個什麼樣的人?她叫黃萱萱。 ...



作者:Thibault, John


  中央大學重視教學、以「教研並重」著稱,是一所引領科學尖端發展且人文薈萃的綜合大學,每年備足優渥獎勵,頒發「教學傑出與優良獎」,藉此鼓勵在教學工作上不斷創新的教師。此次由教務處、中大出版中心特別企劃,深度專訪二十位榮獲本年度傑出與優良教學的各領域教師,將老師們的治學理念、教學方法集結成冊。   一篇篇人物專訪不只講述了,良師於課前課後不被看見的心情與思量,書中更透露了,大學教師因應數位潮...



作者:Thibault, John

iLobby helps voters fix broken laws and radically improve the world. People use iLobby to debate issues, seek resolution to political problems in their community, and discover, share and express wh...

作者:Locke, Adriana

BARRETT LANDRY has it all. Power, prestige, and plenty of women, the dapper politician's life is pretty phenomenal. But in the midst of the biggest campaign of his life, he needs to focus. The last...

