
作者:Sedaris, David

David Sedaris is the author of eleven previous books, including, most recently, The Best of Me, Calypso and Theft by Finding. He is a regular contributor to The New Yorker and BBC Radio 4. In 2019,...

作者:Laycock, Douglas,Hasen, Richard L.

作者:Griffith, Elisabeth

Elisabeth Griffith earned her PhD from The American University and an undergraduate degree from Wellesley College. She has been a Kennedy Fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics and a Klingenstei...

作者:Sanchez, Nancy Lee

Nancy Lee Sánchez is the Executive Director for the Kaplan Educational Foundation. With over 20 years of expertise providing greater access to higher education, improving the college experience, an...


2020本屋大賞TOP2! 感淚必至!今年最強勢的感動作品!   繼《山茶花文具店》、《蝸牛食堂》之後, 小川糸書迷引頸翹望的最新長篇小說。     ★出版不到半年,銷量突破15萬冊!   ★日本讀者票選,當年度最催淚小說!    ★日本書店店員試讀,淚流不止,小川糸最觸動人心的作品!     母親罹患癌症,時隔多年和她通了電話。在電話裡,我對著害怕面對死亡的母親如此說道:「每個人都會死啊!...

作者:Godbold Jr, E. Stanly

E. Stanly Godbold, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of History at Mississippi State University and the author of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter: The Georgia Years, 1924-1974. He served as consultant and commen...

作者:Sides, John,Tausanovitch, Chris,Vavreck, Lynn

John Sides is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University. Twitter @johnmsides Chris Tausanovitch is associate professor of political science at the University...


Dr. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (Member’12-Senior Member ’15, IEEE) received the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Madras, Chennai, India, in 2002, the master’s degree...


  技術分析高手教你當股神   看圖選股一年賺1倍   朱家泓,當了22年股市菜鳥,一直都是賺少賠多,到了57歲才開始學技術分析,並嚴守投資紀律,終於翻身,他使用飆股戰法及目標管理操盤法,達到每年看圖操盤賺1倍的目標,改變了過去在股市賺小錢賠大錢的命運!   他的技術分析課只與親朋好友分享、不對外招生,教室很小,無法容納太多人,連某集團負責人的親友都想走後門關說上他的課!   而今他無...



