【問題】Co founder?推薦回答

作者:Frizell, Michael,Suryo, Yudhi

作者:Timmel, Sally

Sally Timmel grew up in a small, all-white town in the middle of the United States (Oconomowoc, Wisconsin). Her consciousness broadened and deepened through her experiences with the YWCA, the civil...

作者:Hansen, Grace

作者:Ferrazzi, Keith

  不需要厲害頭銜、甚至是辦公地點,一樣能帶出王牌團隊!    「任何期望在這個變化急劇的時代蓬勃發展的團隊,都適用。」──X獎基金會暨奇點大學創辦人盛讚     生活充滿壓力,有些人選擇躲在自己的避難所,不與時俱進,但我們還有一個選擇:牙一咬,一起攀向頂峰。     在全球化的時代,許多企業員工分散各地,企業肩負各項成本,若再不省下因官僚體系所浪費的時間及金錢成本,根本入...

作者:Snider, Denton J.

CONTENTS Introductory Book I. The Youth Froebel Chapter I. Early Schooling Chapter II. Froebel at Jena Chapter III. In Pursuit of a Vocation Book II. The Schoolmaster Froebel Chapter I. Froebel as ...

作者:C. W. 庫克

活著就是為了改變世界   一九五五年,賈伯斯出生在美國舊金山。   他是創意的代名詞,也是科技的先驅。   一九七六年他與沃茲涅克等人成立了蘋果公司,打造讓世人為之瘋狂的麥金塔電腦;人們還在用文字傳遞電子郵件時,他就推出了結合影音的NeXTMail。   他讓皮克斯成為動畫電影界數一數二的龍頭,iMac、iPod和iPhone等產品更讓蘋果成為引領世界風潮的品牌。   然而賈伯斯並非所向無敵...


免澆水除草! 我養魚、魚養菜、菜養我 從陽台到屋頂 都能實現的低碳田園夢   魚菜共生(Aquaponics)結合養魚和種菜,建造循環生態系統,自然界的硝化菌作用,把養魚產生的廢水轉化為蔬菜所需的養分,水經過蔬菜吸收後變成乾淨的水,再回流給魚使用,全程不用排水、不用化肥及農藥,且省水省電,是對環境友善、有機的永續種植方法。   2011年6月,陳登陽在自家二樓陽台建置約6坪的魚菜共生系統...

作者:Bloch, Thomas M.

Thirteen years ago, Tom Bloch was CEO of H&R Block, the groundbreaking tax organization. The son of the company's founder, he was a happily married 41-year-old executive, but something was missing ...

作者:Cooke, C. W./ Schmidt, J. Christopher (ILT)/ Alfonso, Aurelio (ILT)

Steve Jobs is a very elusive individual. He strays from the public eye. He keeps to himself. He''s not a paparazzi-driven, media-hungry entity. He''s a creator, an inventor, a genius. And he''s the...

作者:Mitchell, H. L./ Harrington, Michael (FRW)/ Mitchell, Samuel (INT)

A rare firsthand chronicle of one of the most racially progressive unions in twentieth-century AmericaWhen, during the Great Depression, tenant farmers and sharecroppers were pushed off the land th...

作者:Grossman, Ken

Personal tales of perseverance and beer making from the founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Beyond the Pale chronicles Ken Grossman's journey from hobbyist homebrewer to owner of Sierra Nevada Brew...

