
作者:Adams, Neal

From comics industry titan and Ra's al Ghul's original artist, Neal Adams, comes an all-new story featuring one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies Gotham City is under seige by terrorists, and B...

作者:Gaines, Bill,Feldstein, Al


Saloua Chatti is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tunis, Tunisia. Wilfrid Hodges is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Queen Mary, University of London, UK.

作者:Altobchi, Ali

作者:Pessin, Al

Al Pessin is an award-winning thriller author and journalist. As a foreign correspondent based in Hong Kong, Islamabad, Beijing, Jerusalem and London, he received the National Association of Govern...

作者:Al-Rodhan, Nayef

Professor Nayef Al-Rodhan is a Philosopher, Neuroscientist and Geostrategist., He is Honorary Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom, Head of the Geneva Centre for Security...

作者:Hickman, Jonathan,Duggan, Gerry,Ewing, Al

作者:Al Sweigart

  「Python好好玩-趣學電玩遊戲程式設計」這本書會教您怎麼利用廣受歡迎的Python程式語言來開發製作電玩遊戲程式,本書內容針對初學者所設計,就算沒有編寫過程式的讀者也能輕鬆學習!      本書一開始會從幾個經典的遊戲程式,例如猜單字的Hangman、猜數字和井字棋等範例起步,然後再教您提升到更多進階深入的遊戲程式,例如文字模式的尋寶遊戲和帶有音效的動畫碰撞閃避遊戲。沿著這條學習路徑...

作者:Al Sweigart

  如果您曾經花費數小時處理檔案的重新命名,或更新數百個試算表內的儲存格資料,就能體會這類日常的工作有多麼單調無趣了。但假如能利用電腦自動幫您完成呢?   您不需要有什麼程式設計的經驗,在這本經過完整修訂的經典暢銷書第二版中,能學到運用Python寫出程式,幫您在幾分鐘內搞定人工手動處理需要花費數小時的工作。您將學到Python的基礎知識,並探索Python豐富的模組程式庫來完成某些特定工...

