
作者:Prasad, Eswar S.

Why the dollar is--and will remain--the dominant global currencyThe U.S. dollar's dominance seems under threat. The near collapse of the U.S. financial system in 2008-2009, political paralysis that...

作者:Prasad, Eswar S.

Why the dollar is--and will remain--the dominant global currencyThe U.S. dollar's dominance seems under threat. The near collapse of the U.S. financial system in 2008-2009, political paralysis that...

作者:Schipke, Alfred (EDT)/ Rodlauer, Markus (EDT)/ Longmei, Zhang (EDT)

China's bond market is destined to play an increasingly important role at home and abroad. The inclusion of its bonds in global indexes will be a positive milestone for its financial market integra...

作者:Not Available (NA)

Whether full-time students, business people, or casual readers, all have felt the need for a compact, up-to-date, practical kanji dictionary. Something that would fit into a shoulder bag or briefca...




   谷月涵先生以其長達16年的證券經驗,加上在台灣與香港市場的資歷達11年,遂成為亞太最具影響力的股市與經濟評論專家,也因他的財經專才,被台灣媒體賜予「台灣先生」的封號。谷月涵先生的投資建議廣受各界重視,在全台各地舉辦的投資講座經常座無虛席。《谷月涵基本分析》是其專業分析的經驗之作。作者簡介谷月涵(Peter Kurz)  谷月涵早年曾任職波士頓銀行(Bank of Boston)的債券部...

作者:Huang, Hui

This book offers the first detailed analysis of Chinaand#8217;s insider trading law, explaining what constitutes insider trading in China and what the consequences of unlawful insider trading might...


“本書除了有來源於實踐,具有很強的實用性,且使讀者易受啟發的特點外,同時其內容大多涉及國際金融業務,具有濃厚的專業性。對於從事國際金融英語翻譯的中青年來說,不失為一本嶄新的參考書,對於業餘愛好者也是很有裨益的。”——紀 蘅(中國銀行教育部前高級顧問)   本書分上、下兩篇。上篇為翻譯基礎,重點介紹翻譯基礎知識,通過具體例證分析,從語法角度說明英語和漢語的共同之處和不同的需要特別注意的地方,章...

作者:Yu, Guanghua (EDT)

In recent years the Chinese legal system has undergone many reforms and this book brings the literature up to date, offering a contemporary account of the law and administration in China. This book...

作者:Zhang, Lusong

Since its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has undertaken stronger initiatives toward adapting its legal system to support the development of a market-oriented economy. Howeve...

作者:Haass, Richard

  An invaluable primer from Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, that will help anyone, expert and non-expert alike, navigate a time in which many of our biggest challenges...

作者:Deng, Haiqing/ Chen, XI

Reforging the Central Bank presents an insightful comparison between financial development in China -- a rising global economic superpower -- under the old and new normal and an all-encapsulating s...

作者:Wei, Yuwa

This book explores the rationalities and functions of securities markets and takeover activities. Focusing on the Chinese experience of utilizing the securities market as an effective mechanism of ...

作者:Voon, Alan

Discover the secrets of trading the Chinese markets with American Depository ReceiptsIntroducing a new way to make virtually risk-free profits, Trading the China Market with American Depository Rec...

作者:Fang, Yong/ Lai, Kin Keung/ Wang, Shouyang

Most of the existing portfolio selection models are based on the probability theory. Though they often deal with the uncertainty via probabilistic - proaches, we have to mention that the probabilis...

